Sunday, September 7, 2008


A powerful word. It's certainly my favorite.

People most commonly dismiss it as some sort of frustrated swear, a crude howl that consequentially dumbs down whatever you're trying to say. That's what my former nemesis (and Dean of Discipline at my former school), Mr. Grimm, tried to tell me anyway. I think that's just fear of the word, though. And if it's not, so what? I'd like you to think about that, friend, because there's nothing wrong with being frustrated. Or angry. Or sad. I could go on, but this is not the time or place.

"Fuck" can be used by people who are stupid, of course, but that's probably a part of it's beauty. Let me get to it -- see, because the word is so expressive, it gives these specifically stupid people that ability to, well, express themselves -- despite their lack of a gift in doing so otherwise.

The other side of the coin, (and the one on which the magnanimity lies, if we can include all the metal between it and the other) even the most intelligent (and expansive, too) people use the word, for similar reasons. It's not because they don't know what words they can use -- often there are probably just too many. It's because when the gears of a person's mind are working at that particular pace (the jackrabbit, idea formulative, factory pump pace), they often can't find the words for the likely-to-be pinpoint/vague thought they're having. I'm not going to determine where I believe I may stand on that spectrum, but "fuck" is one of my most accurate means of reaching the outside.

And so "fuck" serves another and perhaps nobler purpose!

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